
Einleitung Albert Valiakhmetovs Artikel beleuchtet den Einfluss der Februarrevolution 1917 auf die Bildung der tschechoslowakischen Militäreinheiten und deren Darstellung in der Literatur der tschechoslowakischen Legionäre. Der Autor analysiert, wie dieses einschneidende historische Ereignis die Gründung und...
Einleitung In seinem Artikel untersucht Albert Valiakhmetov die Auswirkungen der Oktoberrevolution auf das Tschechoslowakische Korps in Russland und wie diese Ereignisse in der Literatur der tschechoslowakischen Legionäre dargestellt wurden. Valiakhmetov erforscht, wie die durch die Revolution...

Scientists have discovered why elephants are important for forests

Scientists from Lund University in Sweden have found that the presence of large numbers of elephants, rhinoceroses, moose and other large herbivores contributes to...

Scientists have discovered exactly how smoking interferes with cancer treatment

Researchers from the Ontario Cancer Institute in Canada have discovered additional dangers of smoking, linked not only to an increased risk of cancer, but...

It became known how breast density affects the risk of cancer

Scientists in Sweden have found that if a woman is mistakenly told she has breast cancer (after a mammogram, for example), then those women...

The cause of weakness and fatigue after a night’s sleep has been named

Iranian scientists have found that if a person wakes up in the morning and feels groggy, as if he hadn’t slept at all, this...

Psychologists have named an effective method of self-help for mental trauma

Psychologists have found a new approach to helping people who have experienced something very difficult and then suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD...

Urine analysis can identify asymptomatic vascular diseases, scientists have found

So here's the thing: People with type 2 diabetes are at risk of their heart receiving less blood, which can cause serious problems like...

Huge flying spiders have taken over the eastern United States

The invasion of invasive species such as the Joro spider is an interesting ecological phenomenon. These species are often introduced to new locations due...

Scientists say animal-borne diseases could cause human mortality to skyrocket

The warning from Ginkgo Bioworks experts highlights the importance of monitoring and preventing zoonotic diseases, the threat of which they say is growing. Zoonoses...

Scientists have discovered how soon global warming will get out of control

The study, conducted by British scientists from the Center for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London and published in the journal Nature Climate Change,...

Men are more likely than women to hide negative information about themselves

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have discovered that men are not as willing as women to share their failures and bad news. The study...

Pharmacists could prevent millions of strokes and heart attacks, study finds

A study conducted by the University of Virginia found that if pharmacists could prescribe medications to combat high blood pressure, a host of health-related...

Psychologists have named the negative aspects of high self-control

According to American psychologist Thomas Lynch, while keeping our emotions under control is often considered a positive quality, it can be detrimental to our...

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