Men are more likely than women to hide negative information about themselves


Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have discovered that men are not as willing as women to share their failures and bad news. The study was published in a journal specializing in social psychology.

After surveying more than a thousand people of different genders, experts found that while men and women are equally fond of talking about their successes, men are more secretive when it comes to personal failures. In particular, they are less likely to report professional failures.Men are more likely than women to hide negative information about themselves

Ladies in the survey also said they were more satisfied with how they shared information about themselves, while men were more likely to admit to keeping their problems to themselves. This may be due to their concerns about saving face and fears of being misunderstood.

The researchers also decided to test how gender differences in information sharing play out online, given that most of the previous research was done before the Internet became an integral part of our lives.

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